There is a lesson here about longitudinal planning. When giving your child a name, do consider what will happen when you move away from the metropolitan elite. In particularly when chosing a name that is already itself open to a breadth of options. Toovay like Duvet, Tove like Hove, Tovey like Tovey. We've had them all. And how we laugh. "No, no" we say "it's Tove like Hoover." "You know the moomins, yes?" "She's a tremendous novelist in her own right, yup yup, have a campachoochoo" And all is recovered and life carries on.

And yet now we are confronted with a TovERRRR in a charming west country burr. "How you be my darlin', TovERRR?" Egad. We never saw it coming and it's impossible to correct as in Bath that's how you say it. Our worry now is that seaps into Tove's own little mind and she self associates as a TovERRR. And then all bets are off. Egad again. 

Happily despite this nominative challenge she is going great guns. And has settled into country life fairly well - even if she does keep asking about when we're going back home. Poor bugger.


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