Can I Champagne your Hair?

 When your child asks, in earnest, to champagne your hair there is an immediate sense of tremendous happiness that spreads over. A sense of happiness that would only grow if it were fiscally responsible to actually clean your hair with champagne - but alas my fat cattery doesn't extend to this level of private sector debauchery - perhaps for my 40th Birthday. But in spite of her confusing shampoo and champagne, she did then proceed to champagne my hair which generally ends in her mashing foaming hands into my eyes leaving me with eyes stinging and moderately clean hair. And a lingering sense of winning.

Beyond her shampoo based confusion, Tove is in a bit of devilish phase. She continues to wake in the morning having been transformed into a sleeping bar room bruiser - flailing arms and legs, taking on all comers until she is ejected from the bar and attempts are made to sober her up. It's all rather mystifying but wholly predictable, often I'm woken by her telltale opening gambit - resting her feet on her head, ready to give you an almighty thwack when she is ready to brawl her way into the day. Alas, her attachment to morning jihadery doesn't end once she is ejected. Like any good drunk, she doesn't take being ejected from the bed lying down. Her ejection is mere fuel to her fire and she staggers around squawking and shouting, swinging at anything until she is distracted by something shiny or else her parents give up and quell her with some Netflix based brain rot. Happily, this is now Octonauts (stupid Americanized accents and all) which has some dim educational value when compared to the horror of her Peppa Pig and Bread Barber (don't ask) addiction that lasted much of last year.

BUt as you can see she remains utterly photogenic. But now she is armed with right hook that Iron Mike would be proud of. Oof. And a singer. Like Pearl but with her hopes and dreams yet to be crushed. I'll endeavour to capture her on "tape" and share her popular renditions of some recent pop classics. They are a joy to behold.


"Them long shots he never ever got, 'til he bought them googles"


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